Bridges Halifax 2023
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
27–31 July 2023
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
An Aperiodic Monotile
Pages 1–1
A Mathematical Journey through Literature
Pages 2–2
Math Coming Alive Through Theater, Art, and Exposition
Pages 3–3
A Hard Day's Math: Connections Between Mathematics and Music
Pages 4–4
Algorithmic Layout of Characters in Perspective
Pages 5–14
The Compound Helical Cone as Kinematic Trace
Pages 15–22
It All Began with a Quill Box: Reflections on Show Me Your Math
Pages 23–28
Regular Papers
Two-Disk Compound Symmetry Groups
Pages 29–36
A New Tile-Based Method for Constructing Single-Line Drawings
Pages 37–44
3D Dice Mosaics: A Multidirectional Dithering System
Pages 45–52
Pattern Continuity in Polygon Tessellations
Pages 53–60
Topological Interlocking, Truchet Tiles and Self-Assemblies: A Construction-Kit for Civil Engineering Design
Pages 61–68
A Truchet Tiling Hidden in Ammann-Beenker Tiling
Pages 69–76
Polygonia Design Suite: Inspiration, Design, and Application
Pages 77–82
Multilevel Islamic Geometric Design for Local Symmetry in Substitution Tilings
Pages 83–90
Are Maximally Unbalanced Hilbert-Style Square-Filling Curve Motifs a Drawing Medium?
Pages 91–98
CollageBild: A System to Create Image Mosaics
Pages 99–104
Surface Toppling on Cylindrical and Polyhedral Sandpiles
Pages 105–112
Illustrating Transport Theory Through Geometric Tiles
Pages 113–118
Interchangeable Origami Wallpaper Patterns
Pages 119–126
Design Equations for Grid-Based Origami Tessellations
Pages 127–134
Hyperbolic Flyby into a Schwarzian Expanse
Pages 135–140
Using Triangle Sierpinski Relatives to Visualize Subgroups of the Symmetries of the Square
Pages 141–148
Drawing Knots with Tutte Embedding
Pages 149–156
Drawing with Statistics
Pages 157–164
Parallelized Pixel Averaging for a Real-time Ornamental Pen
Pages 165–172
Dichromatic Steganography
Pages 173–180
Parametric Curves in Color Space
Pages 181–186
Easy-to-Understand Visualization Models of Complete Maps
Pages 187–194
Automating Crochet Patterns for Surfaces of Revolution
Pages 195–202
Hooked on Calculus: Crocheting Quadric Surfaces
Pages 203–210
A Foray Into Computer-Assisted Quilting
Pages 211–218
What Can We Learn from Non-Euclidean Paper?
Pages 219–226
Embroidery-Hooping toward the Hyperbolic Trochoid
Pages 227–234
Graph Theory and Arts: A Course Retrospective
Pages 235–242
The Ticking Clock: A Geometric Interpretation of Modular Multiplicative Inverses
Pages 243–250
Curved, yet Straight: Stick Hyperboloids
Pages 251–258
Domain-Specific Languages for Efficient Composition of Paths in 3D
Pages 259–266
Walking in the Wake: Exploring the Dynamics of Vortical Structures
Pages 267–274
Dancing with Dienes
Pages 275–282
Ceramic Bells: Aural Performance and Geometric Design
Pages 283–290
Three-Dimensional Diagonal Cross-Sections of Four-Dimensional Menger Sponges
Pages 291–298
Constructing Sierpinski Tetrahedrons from Connector Pieces
Pages 299–306
Self-Assembling Platonic and Archimedean Solids: Innovations and Advancements
Pages 307–312
Materializing Daniele Barbaro’s Creativity with 3D Printing
Pages 313–320
What if Albrecht Dürer had Unfolded Leonardo da Vinci’s Elevated Polyhedra?
Pages 321–328
Polar Zonohedral Helices and Clusters
Pages 329–336
Kagome from Deltahedra
Pages 337–344
Pages 345–352
On Understanding Disentanglement Puzzles
Pages 353–360
Short Papers
Weaving is a Way of Doing Math
Pages 361–364
Residue Designs, String Art, and Number Theory
Pages 365–368
Knit Knots: Large-Scale Soft Conformations of Minimum-Ropelength Knots and Links
Pages 369–372
Stitching Superpermutations
Pages 373–376
Oh What a Complex Rug We Weave When First We Color Then Perceive
Pages 377–380
Flat Patterns from Curved Bodies
Pages 381–384
Fabric Models of Maximal Complete Maps on a Three-Holed Torus
Pages 385–388
How to Build an Origami Nine-Color Map on a Genus-Three Torus
Pages 389–392
Symmetry Notation as a Multidisciplinary Method for the Design of Origami Tessellations
Pages 393–396
Automatic Origami Crease Pattern Generation from k-uniform Tilings
Pages 397–400
Curved-Crease Origami Spirals Constructed from Reflected Cones
Pages 401–404
A Papercrafted Fish Pattern on a Triply Periodic Polyhedron
Pages 405–408
Developing a Sculpture of the Trihelical Square Tiling
Pages 409–412
Dynamical Tilings in Industrial Design
Pages 413–416
The Oloid and the Evertible Cube: 3D Design and Printing
Pages 417–420
Pathfinder: 3D Printing Data with Trigonometry and Chance
Pages 421–424
The Looping Theorem in 2D and 3D Turtle Geometry
Pages 425–428
Realizing the Borromean Rings in Wood with Yosegi Zaiku
Pages 429–432
Wire Construction of the Costa Surface and a Torus
Pages 433–436
Implementing Textile Borromean Seifert Surfaces
Pages 437–440
Surfaces in the Tesseract
Pages 441–444
Surface-Tiling Curves
Pages 445–448
Construction of Polyhedra with Tetravalent Nodes as an Analogue to Graphitic Systems
Pages 449–452
The SunRule: An Interactive Mathematical Sculpture
Pages 453–456
Connections between Hitomezashi Patterns and Truchet Tiling
Pages 457–460
Pattern Gradients with Generalized Duotone Truchet Tiles
Pages 461–464
Space Filling Truchet Variations
Pages 465–468
Physical Representations of Polygon, Wedge, and Arc Squiggles
Pages 469–472
Second-Order Cellular Automata as Textile Design Elements
Pages 473–476
Sidewalks of Lisbon and Azores
Pages 477–480
Visualizing the Kolakoski Sequence
Pages 481–484
Whirling Tiles
Pages 485–488
(Circle + Square)/Triangle: Using Shape-Based Expressions for Image Creation and Exploration
Pages 489–492
An Integer Square Variant of the Harriss Spiral
Pages 493–496
A Hyperbolic Variant of Tic-Tac-Toe
Pages 497–500
An Orthogonal Mate for a Latin Square Based on an Asymmetric Tile
Pages 501–504
Integrating Statistical Data Analysis and Data Art Creation at the High School Level
Pages 505–508
Sine Waveform Cars
Pages 509–512
Radix Sort and Story Cards
Pages 513–516
Creativity in Writing Calculus Exams
Pages 517–520
Between the Two Cultures: Teaching Math and Art to Engineers (and Scientists and Mathematicians)
Pages 521–524
Math + Design: Collaborative Posters
Pages 525–528
Cosmatesque Mosaic and Conformal Mapping
Pages 529–532
The Turing Test on the Human Stage
Pages 533–536
Sonifying Letter Frequencies: Generating Chord Sequences from Text
Pages 537–540
Designing and Building a Wearable 3×3×3 Puzzle Cube
Pages 541–544
All (!) Three-Part Variations on Three Different Kinds of Cubes
Pages 545–548
One and One Rarely Make Two: The Arithmetic of Compositional Emergence
Pages 549–552
Workshop Papers
The Rulpidon and 9-Color Maps
Pages 553–558
Sculpting Mapping Cylinders: Seamless Crochet of Topological Surfaces
Pages 559–566
Kinetic Knots
Pages 567–570
Puppetry, Poetry, Dance, and Sound on the Bridges of Königsberg: Embodied Work with Euler Paths and Circuits
Pages 571–578
Line-Art Flip Books
Pages 579–586
Sestinas and Golden Shovels
Pages 587–594
Subject, Structure, and Metaphor in Mathematical Poetry
Pages 595–600
Using Origami to Make Abstract Elevations of Polyhedra
Pages 601–608