Bridges 2020
01–05 August 2020
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
Non-Euclidean Billiards in VR
Pages 1–8
Unveiling the Invisible — Mathematical Approaches for Virtual Image Restoration in the Arts
Pages 9–10
Mirror Symmetry Collages in Folded Paper
Pages 11–16
Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes
Pages 17–18
Regular Papers
Adapter Tiles Evolves the Girih Tile Set
Pages 19–26
Near-miss Star Patterns
Pages 27–34
3D Aperiodic Girih Tiles
Pages 35–40
From Computer to Compass: Analysis and Reconstruction of a Self-Similar Islamic Geometric Pattern at Madrassa Madar-i-Shah
Pages 41–48
A Method for Creating Dendritic Fractal Tiles
Pages 49–56
Everted Embeddings
Pages 57–66
Dancing the Quaternions
Pages 67–74
Creating Non-Euclidean Art with Craft Technologies
Pages 75–82
Infinitely Invertible Infinity
Pages 83–92
Folding Fabric: Fashion from Origami
Pages 93–102
Knotty Knits are Tangles in Tori
Pages 103–112
Design of a Sampler of Isohedral Tilings of the Pied-de-poule Tile
Pages 113–120
Topological Classification of Vittorio Giorgini's Sculptures
Pages 121–128
Design of Circular-Arc Curved Creases of Constant Fold Angle
Pages 129–136
Gauss-Bonnet Sculpting
Pages 137–144
Maximizing the Symmetry of Knots
Pages 145–152
Non-Euclidean Virtual Reality III: Nil
Pages 153–160
Non-Euclidean Virtual Reality IV: Sol
Pages 161–168
Cardboard Construction of the Sphere by the Stereographic Projection
Pages 169–174
Cohomology Fractals
Pages 175–182
Wallpaper Patterns from Nonplanar Chain Mail Links
Pages 183–190
Generalizations of Truchet Tiles
Pages 191–198
Domino Steganography
Pages 199–206
Checkerboard Quadrilateral Mosaics
Pages 207–214
Sgraffito Meets Posterization
Pages 215–222
Wallpaper Patterns for Lattice Designs
Pages 223–230
Hilbert's Portrait via his Space-Filling Curve
Pages 231–236
Algorithmic Art with Discrete Dynamical Systems
Pages 237–242
A Gallery of Gaussian Periods
Pages 243–248
A Transformational Approach to Harmony Improvisation
Pages 249–256
Exploring Noble Polyhedra With the Program Stella4D
Pages 257–264
Combinatorics of Simultaneous Color Contrast
Pages 265–272
Two New Combinatoric Poetry Forms: Braided Bellringing PH4 Poems & Anagrammatic, Anglo Saxon-inspired Poems
Pages 273–280
Single-threaded Polyhedra Models
Pages 281–288
Four Mathematical Designs for EGMO 2020, the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad in the Netherlands
Pages 289–296
Come to STEAM. We have cookies!
Pages 297–304
Vector Fields and Paul Klee – A Summer School Course for gifted High-School Students
Pages 305–312
Letting Art Teach Aesthetics, Math and Language
Pages 313–320
Velimir Khlebnikov's Laws of Time
Pages 321–328
Family Tree of Impossible Objects Created by Optical Illusions
Pages 329–336
Combinatorial Figure Generation: An Algorithmic Approach
Pages 337–344
Labyrinths: Mysteries and Methods
Pages 345–352
Spiroplots: a New Discrete-time Dynamical System to Generate Curve Patterns
Pages 353–360
The Art and Mathematics of Cycling: Using Old Bicycles to Draw Spirograph Patterns
Pages 361–366
Short Papers
Optimizing Morton's Tritangentless Knots for Rolling
Pages 367–370
Platonicons: The Platonic Solids Start Rolling
Pages 371–374
Geodesic Cities
Pages 375–378
Virus Mechanics: Designing a Physical Model for STEAM Learning
Pages 379–382
William Huff's Parquet Deformations: Two Viennese Experiments
Pages 383–386
Seeing the Symmetric Difference
Pages 387–390
Paths on Three Circles
Pages 391–394
Visualizing (Number Theoretic) Functions with Portraits
Pages 395–398
Grammars of SL Block Construction
Pages 399–402
Augmented Reality for Zome Construction
Pages 403–406
Shape Metrics: A Unified Approach to Shape Inversions and Custom Distance Functions
Pages 407–410
Quadrilateral Lace
Pages 411–412
Eight Heptagons: The Double Torus Revisited
Pages 413–416
A Trio of Beaded Surfaces
Pages 417–418
Markov Chains, Coptic Bananas, and Egyptian Tombs: Generating Tablet Weaving Designs Using Mean-Reverting Processes
Pages 419–422
The Making of a Willow Trefoil Knot
Pages 423–426
Weaving Paper into Star Patterns
Pages 427–430
Reciprocal Polyhedral Forms using Strip Pairs
Pages 431–434
Semi-generalizing Miura-Ori with Divots into Rotationally Symmetric Lampshades with Smooth-Curving Profiles
Pages 435–438
Perhaps the Plaintive Numbers Flow
Pages 439–442
Ringing the Changes
Pages 443–446
Poetry in the Lesson of Mathematics
Pages 447–450
La La Lab - The Mathematics of Music
Pages 451–454
Music Performance in Action: Mathematical Interpretation of Liszt’s Transcendental Études
Pages 455–458
A Mathematical Musical: “Dimensionen in Neukölln”
Pages 459–462
A Journey into the Genesis of Related Math-Art Works
Pages 463–466
Beauty Beyond Perfection: Aesthetic Values in Japanese Art Resonant with Mathematics
Pages 467–470
Composite: MoMath’s Intersection of Math and Art
Pages 471–474
Hallå STEAM: Building Bridges Between Mathematics, Arts, and Humanities
Pages 475–478
AoC | Art of Coding – The Demoscene as Intangible World Cultural Heritage
Pages 479–480
Art Speaks Maths, Maths Speaks Art
Pages 481–484
Stimulating the Theatre of the Mind, Diluvio: Teatro delle Ombre
Pages 485–488
Concept Images of Infinity in Drawings of Pre-Service Teachers
Pages 489–492
Repeating Patterns from Your Own Culture: the Value of Such an Assignment in a Foundation Class in Mathematical Art and Design
Pages 493–496
Metaphors at the Crossings of Mathematics and the Literary Arts
Pages 497–500
Workshop Papers
Move it or Lose it: Derivision, the Discrete Time Derivative of a Video
Pages 501–506
Bringing Orbifolds out of the Plane: Kaleidoscopes, Gyrations, Wonders, and Miracles
Pages 507–512
Salsa Rueda Dancing and Mathematics
Pages 513–516
A Two-Dimensional Introduction to Sashiko
Pages 517–524
Dürer Machines Running Back and Forth
Pages 525–532
The Whispers of a Window Wing in Istanbul
Pages 533–538
Organizing Children and Youth Mathematical Art Exhibits and Interpreting MathArt-works through a Collaborative, Transdisciplinary Practice
Pages 539–546
Exploring Symmetry Using Aestheometry in Classrooms and Beyond
Pages 547–554