Bridges Stockholm 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
25–29 July 2018
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
Marjorie Rice and Her Pentagonal Tilings
Pages 1–2
Some Memories of Koos Verhoeff (1927 – 2018)
Pages 3–6
A Personal Approach to the Art of Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards
Pages 7–14
Regular Papers
Art and Recreational Math Based on Kite-Tiling Rosettes
Pages 15–22
Re-Generating Continuous Rumî Compositions
Pages 23–30
4-3 Dissection Tiling System
Pages 31–38
Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns
Pages 39–44
Monochrome Map Weaving with Truchet-Like Tiles
Pages 45–52
Phoenix – Symbol of Mathematics
Pages 53–58
A Poor Man’s Hyperbolic Square Mapping
Pages 59–66
Kaleidoscopes for Non-Euclidean Space
Pages 67–74
New Metamorphosis Patterns
Pages 75–82
A Minimal Art Object with Four Famous Fabulous Faces
Pages 83–90
Constructing 3D Perspective Anamorphosis via Surface Projection
Pages 91–98
Mondrian Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension
Pages 99–106
The Art and Mathematics of Self-Interlocking SL Blocks
Pages 107–114
Torus and Klein Bottle Tessellations with a Single Tile of Pied de Poule (Houndstooth)
Pages 115–122
Homage to Charles O. Perry
Pages 123–130
Modular Toroids Constructed from Nonahedra
Pages 131–138
Weaving Double-Layered Polyhedra
Pages 139–146
Two-Layer Woven Surfaces with Planar Faces
Pages 147–154
Laminar Reciprocal Structures
Pages 155–162
The Beauty of the Symmetric Sierpinski Relatives
Pages 163–170
Sphairahedra and Three-Dimensional Fractals
Pages 171–178
Plane-Filling Folding Curves on the Square Grid
Pages 179–186
On a Better Golden Rectangle (That is Not 61.8033…% Useless!)
Pages 187–194
Loop-Forms: From Construction to Composition
Pages 195–202
The Pentagram and the Golden Angle in Almada Negreiros’ Mural “Começar”
Pages 203–210
Illustrating the Theory of Numbers
Pages 211–218
Walking Around Trees: A 6-Letter ‘DNA’ for Baskets with Handles
Pages 219–224
A New Family Satisfying the Intersection Graph Conjecture
Pages 225–230
Textures in Simulations of Biological Cell Growth
Pages 231–236
A Class of Spherical Penrose-Like Tilings with Connections to Virus Protein Patterns and Modular Sculpture
Pages 237–244
Hex-Chaos Compositions and Equivalence Classes of Packing Problems
Pages 245–252
Combinatorial Greetings from Georges Perec
Pages 253–258
Hyperspace, Poetic Science Fiction and Algebraic Topology
Pages 259–264
Geometry of Quadrangles in Almqvist’s The Queen’s Tiara
Pages 265–272
The Mathematical Center of Attention, its Attributes and Motion Analyses in Dance Choreography
Pages 273–280
The Mathematical Circus Project
Pages 281–286
Music from Vibrating Wallpaper
Pages 287–294
The Checkerboard of Tunes
Pages 295–300
A Generalized Dual of the Tonnetz for Seventh Chords: Mathematical, Computational and Compositional Aspects
Pages 301–308
From the Cheesegrater to the Parthenon: A Musical Odyssey
Pages 309–316
Math in the Studio
Pages 317–324
Catenary Arch Constructions
Pages 325–332
Teaching Mathematics and Physics for Animation in Processing
Pages 333–340
When Mathematics Meets Art: How Might Art Contribute to the Understanding of Mathematical Concepts?
Pages 341–346
Short Papers
Dance Art, Math, Education – an Eternal Triangle
Pages 347–350
Turning Math into Dance: Lessons from Dancing My PhD
Pages 351–354
Voronoi Diagrams: Didactical and Artistic Applications
Pages 355–358
Play Truchet: Using the Truchet Tiling to Engage the Public with Mathematics
Pages 359–362
Visualizing Symmetry Subgroup Structures Using Simple Motifs
Pages 363–366
The Marvellous Bridging of Maths and Art Education and its Relation to Cognitive and Emotional Development
Pages 367–370
Don’t Preach Facts – Stimulate Acts
Pages 371–374
Geometry and Origami to Share Cultural Heritage: Results of the Experimentation “The King and the Origami” at the Royal Residence of Venaria
Pages 375–378
Developing Mathematical and Technological Competencies of Students Through Remodeling Games and Puzzles
Pages 379–382
Science Spaces: An Open Workshop Concept to Create Science Exhibits
Pages 383–386
Musical Scales and Multiplicative Groups
Pages 387–390
Rock Me Fibonacci: Using Recurrence Relations and State-Transition Matrices to Count Rock Drum Fill Patterns
Pages 391–394
Combinatorics, Probability and Choice in Music Composition: Towards an Aesthetics of Composing Systems for Non-Musicians
Pages 395–398
‘Dreamlinks’: Link Theory Meets Music Composition. An Introduction to Compositional Methods Related to Primary Links
Pages 399–402
Just Intonation Keyboard: Isomorphic Keyboard Reimagined
Pages 403–406
The Area Set Value Relationships in Atonal Music
Pages 407–410
Landmarks in Algebra Quilt
Pages 411–414
Algoritmisch Ritme: Algorithmic Art as Material in an Interactive Dance-Projection
Pages 415–418
A Methodology of Leaping Iteration for Drawing
Pages 419–422
Surfing the Möbius Band: An Example of the Union of Art and Mathematics
Pages 423–426
Capturing the Visual Traits of a Mathematician – On Anders Johan Lexell’s Futile Studies in Physiognomy
Pages 427–430
Representing the Undecidable
Pages 431–434
Observations on Concave Perspective
Pages 435–438
Which Integer Is the Most Mysterious?
Pages 439–442
Mapping from e to Metaphor
Pages 443–446
Art of de Bruijn Sequences
Pages 447–450
Card Shuffling Visualizations
Pages 451–454
The Art and Mathematics of Cycling: Using Old Bicycles to Draw Spirograph Patterns
Pages 455–458
Juan Sánchez Cotán: Seeing Mathematically
Pages 459–462
Mathematics in Drafting Japanese Crest Designs
Pages 463–466
Glass Mosaics Using Right-Triangle Subdivision
Pages 467–470
A Plethora of Patterns from Discrete Spiraled Sequences
Pages 471–474
Computationally Intensive Puns with Figurative Subgraphs
Pages 475–478
To the World's End/ A Circle Bundle Over a Circle
Pages 479–482
Folding Space-Filling Bisymmetric Hendecahedron for a Large-Scale Art Installation
Pages 483–486
A Threefold Möbius Band with Constant Twist and Minimal Bending as the Limit of Tetrahedral Rings
Pages 487–490
3D Printing Chaos
Pages 491–494
Compound Parallelohedra Building Blocks with Creature-Like Morphologies
Pages 495–498
Method for Designing a Hinged Cube Puzzle
Pages 499–502
A Design Method Based on Close-Packing Circles and Spheres of Multiple Sizes for Designers and Architects
Pages 503–506
Knot Designs Based on Rhombille Tiling Notations
Pages 507–510
Girih Tiles in 3D
Pages 511–514
Origami Explorations of Convex Uniform Tilings Through the Lens of Ron Resch's Linear Flower
Pages 515–518
Self-Diagramming Lace
Pages 519–522
Möbius Cellular Automata Scarves
Pages 523–526
Lizardy Loops: The Savvy Selection of Sinuous Sequences of Circular Sectors
Pages 527–530
Horosphere, Cyclide and 3d Hyperbolic Tilings
Pages 531–534
Folding the Vesica Piscis
Pages 535–538
Realizations and Constructions of Minimally Rigid Graphs
Pages 539–542
Polyhedral Models of the Projective Plane
Pages 543–546
Extending Mandelbox Fractals with Shape Inversions
Pages 547–550
Virtual Crocheting of Euclidean Planes in a 3-Sphere
Pages 551–554
Designing Beaded Sculptures Inspired by Clathrate Hydrates
Pages 555–558
Desargues Configuration as a Gnomonic Projection
Pages 559–562
Action Modular Origami
Pages 563–566
Workshop Papers
Sevenfold and Ninefold Möbius Kaleidocycles
Pages 567–574
Self-Similarity and the Tumbling Square
Pages 575–578
Adopt a Polyhedron -- A Citizen Art Project in Mathematics
Pages 579–584
Folding Curlicue and Exploring Its Mathematical Properties
Pages 585–588
Geometry and Origami to Make Dynamic Street Art
Pages 589–596
Geometrical Object Making For Design Thinking
Pages 597–602
Open Geoboard – a Platform for Art, Math and Inspiration
Pages 603–608
Creating Painting Puzzles: Math, Art, Games and Technology
Pages 609–612
Constructing Linkages for Drawing Curves
Pages 613–616
A Hands-on Laboratory with Mathematical Mechanical Drawing Machines
Pages 617–622
Renewable Energy Resources for Mathematics Learning: Windmills and Water Wheels at the Math Class
Pages 623–628
Engaging Community Through the Integration of Art and Mathematics
Pages 629–636
Let’s Sketch in 360º: Spherical Perspectives for Virtual Reality Panoramas
Pages 637–644
Poetry Puzzles
Pages 645–648
The Theory Headed Poem
Pages 649–650
Reimagining the Mathematical Paper
Pages 651–658
Experiencing Group Structure: Observing, Creating and Performing the Plain Hunt on 4 via Music, Poetry, Visual and Culinary Arts
Pages 659–666
Exploring the Geometry of Music with Technology: Rhythm, Scales and Temperament via Geogebra
Pages 667–672
Using Math to Create a Musical Sandbox
Pages 673–674
Human Encryptable Visual Cryptography
Pages 675–680
Mathematical Magic With a Deck of Cards
Pages 681–686