Bridges Towson 2012
Towson, Maryland, USA
25–29 July 2012
More information
Front matter
Regular papers
Science, Art, Beauty, the Meaning of Life, and the James Webb Telescope
Pages 1–8
Developing Mathematical Tools to Investigate Art
Pages 9–16
Celebrating Mathematics in Stone and Bronze: Umbilic Torus NC vs SC
Pages 17–24
Mitered Fractal Trees: Constructions and Properties
Pages 25–32
The Mathematical Art of Juggling: Using Mathematics to Predict, Describe and Create
Pages 33–40
My Parade of Algorithmic Mathematical Art
Pages 41–48
An Algorithm for Creating Geometric Dissection Puzzles
Pages 49–56
Bringing M. C. Escher's Planaria to Life
Pages 57–64
Mathematical Pattern Poetry
Pages 65–72
Math in Poetry: Half of a Course
Pages 73–78
Art of π: Mathematical History and Literary Inspiration
Pages 79–84
Never-ending Storytelling with Discrete-Time Markov Processes
Pages 85–92
From Möbius Bands to Klein-Knottles
Pages 93–102
Sculptures in S3
Pages 103–110
Splitting Tilings
Pages 111–118
Playing with the Platonics: A New Class of Polyhedra
Pages 119–124
Sculpture Inspired by Connectivity in Nature
Pages 125–132
Circle patterns in Gothic Architecture
Pages 133–140
A 7-Fold System for Creating Islamic Geometric Patterns Part 1: Historical Antecedents
Pages 141–148
A 7-Fold System for Creating Islamic Geometric Patterns Part 2: Contemporary Expression
Pages 149–156
The Topkapı Scroll's Thirteen-Pointed Star Polygon Design
Pages 157–164
Polyhedral Modularity in a Special Class of Decagram Based Interlocking Star Polygons
Pages 165–174
Tiles and Patterns of a Field: From Byzantine Churches to User Interface Design
Pages 175–182
Sinuous Meander Patterns in Natural Coordinates
Pages 183–190
Broadening the Palette for Bobbin Lace: A Combinatorial Approach
Pages 191–198
Two-color Fractal Tilings
Pages 199–206
Mohr or Mascheroni?
Pages 207–214
Pages 215–222
Moorish Fretwork Revisited
Pages 223–230
Polyhedra on an Equilateral Hyperboloid
Pages 231–238
The Experience Workshop MathArt Movement: Experience-centered Education of Mathematics through Arts, Sciences, and Playful Activities
Pages 239–246
The Color Symmetries of the Solstices: Ritual Sandals from the Prehistoric American Southwest
Pages 247–250
Sacred Numbers and Tessellations in Aquileia's XI Century Mosaics
Pages 251–258
Simple Rules for Incorporating Design Art into Penrose and Fractal Tiles
Pages 259–266
Weaving Symmetry of the Philippine Northern Kankana-ey
Pages 267–274
Patterned Triply Periodic Polyhedra
Pages 275–282
Juan Gris' Compositional Symmetry Transformations
Pages 283–290
Stigmmetry Prints from Patterns of Circles
Pages 291–298
Geometry and Computation of Houndstooth (Pied-de-poule)
Pages 299–306
Art of the Quantum Moment
Pages 307–314
The Old Art of Rope Work and Fourier Decomposition
Pages 315–322
Twisted D-Forms: Design and Construction of D-Forms with Twisted Prismatic Handles with Developable Sides
Pages 323–328
Balanço: The Contour of Relative Offbeatness
Pages 329–336
Introducing the Use of the Primary Isosceles Triangles of Regular Polygons to Produce Self Similar Patterns
Pages 337–344
Commissioning a Bridge
Pages 345–348
Architecture, Form, Expression: The Helicoidal Skyscraper's Geometry
Pages 349–356
Short Papers
Mathematical Sequential Art
Pages 357–358
Models of Stellations of the Icosahedron
Pages 359–360
Fisheye View of Tessellations
Pages 361–364
Point Symmetry Patterns on a Regular Hexagonal Tessellation
Pages 365–368
Knots as Processes in Art and Mathematics
Pages 369–372
Building the Schwarz D-Surface from Paper Tiles
Pages 373–376
Generating Chinese Knots from Arbitrary Shapes
Pages 377–380
Intersecting Helices
Pages 381–384
Rotate, Reflect, Recycle
Pages 385–388
Fun with Chaotic Orbits in the Mandelbrot Set
Pages 389–392
Exploring the Visualization of Music
Pages 393–396
A Mathematica GUI for Generating Conway Tiles
Pages 397–398
The Evolution of An Idea Inspired by 70
Pages 399–402
The MathStudio Pendulum Project
Pages 403–404
Optical Minimal Art
Pages 405–408
From Two Dimensions to Four---and Back Again
Pages 409–412
Portraits of Groups in Three Dimensions
Pages 413–414
Hierarchical Organization in Writing, Poetry, and Mathematics
Pages 415–416
The ``Golden Canon'' of Book-Page Design: A Visual Presentation Using Geometer's Sketchpad
Pages 417–420
Symmetry and Bivariate Splines
Pages 421–424
Geometry and Art with a Circle Cutter
Pages 425–428
Significance of Pointed Domes: Morphology, Typologies, and Geometrical Design
Pages 429–432
The Mazzocchio in Perspective
Pages 433–436
On the Geometry of Metafiction
Pages 437–438
Dune Surfaces: A Spatial Visualization Technique for Medial Axes in the Plane or on the Sphere
Pages 439–442
To Trace a Creative Thought
Pages 443–446
Images and Illusions from Orthogonal Pairs of Ellipses
Pages 447–448
Crystallizing Topology in Molecular Visualizations
Pages 449–452
Mathematics in the World of Dance
Pages 453–456
Fractal Geometry and Persian Carpet
Pages 457–460
Escher Unraveled: Using Artwork to Investigate Transformations
Pages 461–462
Structural Qualities and Serial Construction of Tournament Braids
Pages 463–466
Music Synthesis Based on Nonlinear Dynamics
Pages 467–470
Brand Values and the Perception of Symmetry
Pages 471–474
Diptych View on The Spiral
Pages 475–478
Using Star Polygons to Understand Cyclic Group Structure
Pages 479–480
Harmonic Perspective
Pages 481–484
Extension of Neo-Riemannian PLR-group to Seventh Chords
Pages 485–488
Tune and Rhyme: Translation Symmetry at Work
Pages 489–492
The Immersive Bridge Between Math and Art
Pages 493–494
Steps Towards the Analysis of Geometric Decorative Motifs Using Shape-matching Techniques
Pages 495–498
Meta-Vermeer: A Topological Reinterpretation of a Masterpiece
Pages 499–502
Beaded Realization of Canonical P, D, and G Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces
Pages 503–506
Exploring the Projective Plane via Variations on the Faceted Octahedron
Pages 507–508
Analytical Calculation of Geodesic Lengths and Angle Measures on Sphere Tiling of Platonic and Archimedean Solids
Pages 509–512
The Mathematics behind Anamorphic Art
Pages 513–514
The Creative Process: Risk-taking in an Interdisciplinary Honors Course
Pages 515–518
Training Teachers after Bridges
Pages 519–522
A Topology-Preserving Voxelization Shrinking Algorithm
Pages 523–524
Spelunking Adventure III: Close-Pack and Space-Fill Octahedral Domains
Pages 525–526
Tiling and Weaving with Permutation Functions
Pages 527–528
Mathematics and the Ballet Barre
Pages 529–532
Amazing Labyrinths, Further Developments III
Pages 533–534
The Seven Principles of Angle Stitching---A Geometrically Based Beading Technique
Pages 535–538
Depression Glass and Nested Symmetry Groups
Pages 539–542
A Novel Geometric Pattern Extraction by Means of a Level-Set Method
Pages 543–544
Domes, Zomes, and Drop City
Pages 545–548
A Non-Pythagorean Musical Scale Based on Logarithms
Pages 549–552
The Art and Mathematics of Tangrams
Pages 553–556
Projecting Mathematical Curves with Laser Light
Pages 557–560
Digital Sangaku
Pages 561–562
Workshop papers
Teaching Temari: Geometrically Embroidered Spheres in the Classroom
Pages 563–566
Bead Crochet Bracelets: What Would Escher Do?
Pages 567–572
Mathematical Synthesis and Making of Rope Mats and Rosettes
Pages 573–574
Evolve Your Own Basket
Pages 575–580
Using Technology to Explore the Geometry of Navajo Weavings
Pages 581–588
Space-filling Curves as Design Elements
Pages 589–592
Creating Non-Systematic Islamic Geometric Patterns with Complex Combinations of Star Forms
Pages 593–598
Let's Make a (36)D (36)L Chiral Tessellation Dance
Pages 599–606
Combinatorial Choreography
Pages 607–612
Exploring Braids through Dance: The ``Waves of Tory'' Problem
Pages 613–618
Math and Dance---Windmills and Tilings and Things
Pages 619–622
Mathematical Eyes on Figure Skating
Pages 623–626
Poetry-with-Mathematics Workshop
Pages 627–628
Musical Composition Without Standard Musical Knowledge
Pages 629–636
Imagining Negative-Dimensional Space
Pages 637–642
A Workshop on Making Modified Truncated Icosahedra Using 4D Frame
Pages 643–646