Bridges Donostia 2007
San Sebasti´n, Spain
24–27 July 2007
More information
Front matter
Modular Kirigami
Pages 1–8
Some Monohedral Tilings Derived From Regular Polygons
Pages 9–14
Composite Diffusion Limited Aggregation Paintings
Pages 15–20
Symmetry and Structure in Twist-Hinged Dissections of Polygonal Rings and Polygonal Anti-Rings
Pages 21–28
Imaginary Gardens - A Model for Imitating Plant Growth
Pages 29–36
Allahverdi Khan Bridge (Si-O-Seh Pol) of Esfahan, An Example of Art and Mathematics
Pages 37–38
Light, Movement and 3D - Light images Viewed as Photographs
Pages 39–46
Spiral Developable Sculptures of Ilhan Koman
Pages 47–52
"Gödel, Escher, Bach", in other Eras
Pages 53–58
Mathematics and Symmetry: A Bridge to Understanding
Pages 59–66
A Proposal for the Classification of Mathematical Sculpture
Pages 67–74
The Spirograph and Beyond
Pages 75–80
Entwined Circular Rings
Pages 81–90
2D and 3D Animation Using Rotations of a Jordan Curve
Pages 91–98
Mathematical Models for Binarization and Ternarization of Musical Rhythm
Pages 99–108
Portraits of Groups II, Orientation Reversing Actions
Pages 109–114
Baskets for the Mathematics Classroom
Pages 115–122
The Pentagram: From the Goddess to Symplectic Geometry
Pages 123–126
The Modular Color Palette: Systems of Color Selection in the Paintings of James Mai
Pages 127–134
A "Sound" Approach to Fourier Transforms: Using Music to Teach Trigonometry
Pages 135–142
Magritte: Analogies in Mathematical Reasoning
Pages 143–146
Zany Projects - The Art of Mixing Compass with Computer
Pages 147–148
Breaking Color Symmetry
Pages 149–150
Addled Tangles of Sanguine Language - an Eclectic Syncretic Syntactic Taxonomy
Pages 151–160
Structure and Form in the Design Curriculum
Pages 161–168
Electrostatic Patterns in the Interior of a Circular Region
Pages 169–176
Ricochet Compositions
Pages 177–180
Golden Fractal Trees
Pages 181–188
Anticlastic Form - Manifesting Fields of Tension
Pages 189–194
Patterned Polyhedra: Tiling the Platonic Solids
Pages 195–202
Frieze Patterns of the Alhambra
Pages 203–208
Modeling D-Forms
Pages 209–216
A Simple Procedure to Generate Curves and Surfaces
Pages 217–224
The 7 Curve, Carpets, Quilts, and Other Asymmetric, Square-Filling, Threaded Tile Designs
Pages 225–232
Geometric Constructions and their Arts in Historical Perspective
Pages 233–240
The Ideal Vacuum: Visual Metaphors for Algebraic Concepts
Pages 241–246
Inout Sculptures
Pages 247–252
Painting by the Numbers: A Porter Postscript
Pages 253–258
Poverty and Polyphony: A Connection between Economics and Music
Pages 259–268
From Modeling Foliage with L-systems to Digital Art
Pages 269–276
Does it Look Square? Hexagonal Bipyramids, Triangular Antiprismoids, and their Fractals
Pages 277–286
Shape, Time and Chemistry: Some Platonic Meditations
Pages 287–288
Shiva: Two Views of Burnside's Lemma at Work
Pages 289–296
Modeling High Genus Sculptures Using Multi-Connected Handles and Holes
Pages 297–302
Revisiting the Geometry of the Sala de Dos Hermanas
Pages 303–310
Ancient Harmonic Law
Pages 311–312
The Effect of Human Experience on Formal Word Meaning
Pages 313–314
Transgenic Visual-and-Sound Compositions
Pages 315–322
Geometry and New Urban Order
Pages 323–330
The Power and Potential of Art in Literature to Teach Mathematics
Pages 331–332
Planar Symmetry with Turtles
Pages 333–334
Fractal Knots Created by Iterative Substitution
Pages 335–342
Sculptures which Stellarize Non-Planar Hexagons
Pages 343–350
Edge-Constrained Tile Mosaics
Pages 351–360
Hyperbolic Semi-Regular Tilings and their Symmetry Properties
Pages 361–368
Fractal Art: Closer to Heaven? Modern Mathematics, the art of Nature, and the nature of Art
Pages 369–376
Images of the Ammann-Beenker Tiling
Pages 377–378
Symmetric Embedding of Locally Regular Hyperbolic Tilings
Pages 379–388
When is a picture not a picture? What is really in a Random Tandem?
Pages 389–394
A "Circle Limit III" Calculation
Pages 395–402
Designing a Modern Tower in a Mathematically-Based World
Pages 403–404
Amazing Labyrinths
Pages 405–412
The Automorphism of Amalgamation Polytopes and Tessellation
Pages 413–414
Geometrical Transformation: A Method for the Creation of Form in Contemporary Architecture
Pages 415–422
Understanding Math via Arts, Creating Arts via Math
Pages 423–424
Imaginative Quilted Geometric Assemblages
Pages 425–426
The Geometry of Asian Trousers
Pages 427–430
Math/Art Projects
Pages 431–432
Building Models to Transition from Dimension to Dimension
Pages 433–440
Exploring Cubes Woven on the Skew
Pages 441–444
Using Art to Teach Maths, Using Maths to Create Art
Pages 445–452
From Folding and Cutting to Geometry and Algorithms: Integrating Islamic Art into the Mathematics Curriculum
Pages 453–458
Zome Workshop
Pages 459–464