Bridges London 2006
London, UK
4–8 August 2006
More information
Front matter
Collaboration on the Integration of Sculpture and Architecture in The Eden Project
Pages 1–8
The Work of Foster and Partners Specialist Modelling Group
Pages 9–12
The Borromean Rings - A Tripartite Topological Relationship
Pages 13–18
Cultural Insights from Symmetry Studies
Pages 19–24
Non-Euclidean Symmetry and Indra's Pearls
Pages 25–32
Love, Understanding, and Soap Bubbles
Pages 33–40
Creating Penrose-type Islamic Interlacing Patterns
Pages 41–48
Steve Reich's Clapping Music and the Yoruba Bell Timeline
Pages 49–58
Illuminating Chaos - Art on Average
Pages 59–60
Bridging the gap - a Search for a Braid Language
Pages 61–68
Magic Stars and Their Components
Pages 69–72
Introducing the Precious Tangram Family
Pages 73–78
Sand Drawings and Gaussian Graphs
Pages 79–88
Symmetric Characteristics of Traditional Hawaiian Patterns: a Computer Model
Pages 89–96
Circle Folded helices
Pages 97–104
The Taming of Roelofs Polyhedra
Pages 105–108
A Program to Interpolate (and Extrapolate) between Turtle Programs
Pages 109–114
The Programmer as Poet
Pages 115–116
Minkowski Sums and Spherical Duals
Pages 117–122
Polygon Foldups in 3D
Pages 123–130
Portraits of Groups
Pages 131–134
A New Use of the Basic Mathematical Idea of Twelve-Tone Music
Pages 135–136
A Braided Effort: A Mathematical Analysis of Compositional Options
Pages 137–144
On a Family of Symmetric, Connected and High Genus Sculptures
Pages 145–150
Affine Regular Pentagon Sculptures
Pages 151–152
The Effect of Music-Enriched Instruction on the Mathematics Scores of Pre-School Children
Pages 153–156
Teaching Arabesque
Pages 157–160
Slide-Together Structures
Pages 161–170
Repeated Figures
Pages 171–174
Seville's Real Alcázar: Are All 17 Planar Crystallographic Groups Represented Here?
Pages 175–180
Math must be Beautiful
Pages 181–182
The Integrated Scale Desirability Function: A Musical Scale Consonance Measure Based on Perception Data
Pages 183–190
Tiled Artworks Based on the Goldbach Conjecture
Pages 191–194
Sculpture Puzzles
Pages 195–202
The Mechanical Drawing of Cycloids, The Geometric Chuck
Pages 203–210
Sashiko: the Stitched Geometry of Rural Japan
Pages 211–214
Literatronic: Use of Hamiltonian Cycles to Produce Adaptivity in Literary Hypertext
Pages 215–222
Responsive Visualization for Musical Performance
Pages 223–230
The Necessity of Time in Perception of Three Dimensions: A Preliminary Inquiry
Pages 231–236
An Interactive/Collaborative Su Doku Quilt
Pages 237–244
Patterns on the Genus-3 Klein Quartic
Pages 245–254
The Lorenz Manifold: Crochet and Curvature
Pages 255–260
Playing Musical Tiles
Pages 261–268
Mathematics and the Architecture: The Problem and Theory in Pre-Modern Cultures
Pages 269–276
Towards Pedagogability of Mathematical Music Theory: Algebraic Models and Tiling Problems in Computer-aided Composition
Pages 277–284
Streptohedrons (Twisted polygons)
Pages 285–292
Fractal Tilings Based on Dissections of Polyominoes
Pages 293–300
Vortex Maze Construction
Pages 301–308
Models of Cubic Surfaces in Polyester
Pages 309–314
"Geometry" in Early Geometrical Disciplines: Representations and Demonstrations
Pages 315–318
Ant Paintings using a Multiple Pheromone Model
Pages 319–326
Verbogeometry: The Confluence Of Words And Analytic Geometry
Pages 327–334
Zome-inspired Sculpture
Pages 335–342
Developable Sculptural Forms of Ilhan Koman
Pages 343–350
Constellations of Form: New Compositional Elements Related to Polyominoes
Pages 351–358
Transformations of Vertices, Edges and Faces to Derive Polyhedra
Pages 359–364
Chromatic Fantasy: Music-inspired Weavings Lead to a Multitude of Mathematical Possibilities
Pages 365–370
Asymmetry vs. Symmetry in a New Class of Space-Filling Curves
Pages 371–378
Modular Perspective and Vermeer's Room
Pages 379–386
On the Bridging Powers of Geometry in the Study of Ancient Theatre Architecture
Pages 387–394
The Gemini Family of Triangles
Pages 395–402
Taitographs: Drawings made by Machines
Pages 403–410
Photography and the Understanding Mathematics
Pages 411–418
Inference and Design in Kuba and Zillij Art with Shape Grammars
Pages 419–428
Green Quaternions, Tenacious Symmetry, and Octahedreal Zome
Pages 429–436
Mathematics and Music - Models and Morals
Pages 437–444
Teaching Design Science: An Exploration of Geometric Structures
Pages 445–450
More "Circle Limit III" Patterns
Pages 451–458
J-F Niceron's La Perspective Curieuse Revisited
Pages 459–464
A Meditation on Kepler's Aa
Pages 465–472
Approximating Mathematical Surfaces with Spline Modelers
Pages 473–480
The Lost Harmonic Law of the Bible
Pages 481–490
New Ways in Symmetry
Pages 491–496
Linkages to Op-Art
Pages 497–502
D-Forms: 3D Forms from Two 2D Sheets
Pages 503–510
Visualizing Escape Paths in the Mandelbrot Set
Pages 511–516
The Math of Art: Exploring Connections between Math and Color Theory
Pages 517–520
Celtic Knotwork and Knot Theory
Pages 521–524
Islamic Art: An Exploration of Patterns
Pages 525–532
In Search of Demiregular Tilings
Pages 533–536
Tribute to the Atomium
Pages 537–540
RHYTHMOS: An Interactive System for Exploring Rhythm from the Mathematical and Musical Points of View
Pages 541–548
Spidron Domain: The Expanding Spidron Universe
Pages 549–550
An Introduction to Medieval Spherical Geometry for Artists and Artisans
Pages 551–560
Fabric Sculpture - Jacob's Ladder
Pages 561–568
Eva Hild: Topological Sculpture from Life Experience
Pages 569–572
Interdisciplinary Bridges: A Novel Approach for Teaching Mathematics
Pages 573–578
Concerning the Geometrical in Art
Pages 579–580
Knot Designs from Snowflake Curves
Pages 581–584
Asymmetry in Persian Symmetrical Art and Architecture
Pages 585–586
Cultural Statistics and Instructional Designs
Pages 587–594
Musical Scales, Integer Partitions, Necklaces, and Polygons
Pages 595–598
1927: Two Processes of Creating Form in Music
Pages 599–604
On Mathematics, Music and Autism
Pages 605–610
Mathematics Investigations in Art-Based Environments
Pages 611–616
Moving Beyond Geometric Shapes: Other connections between Mathematics and the Arts for Elementary-grade Teachers
Pages 617–624
A Geometric Inspection of Pennsylvanian Dutch Hex Signs
Pages 625–630
Creating Sliceforms with 3D Modelers
Pages 631–638
Paper Sculptures with Vertex Deflection
Pages 639–640
Understanding the Mathematics Based Formulation on Dome Tessellation in Architect Skinan's Mosques Design
Pages 641–644
Mandala and 5,6 and 7-fold Division of the Circle
Pages 645–646
Mathematical Book Forms for Teachers
Pages 647–648
The Aréte of Line Designs
Pages 649–650
The Plato Bead: A Bead Dodecahedron
Pages 651–654
Building Simple and Not So Simple Stick Models
Pages 655–660
Topological Mesh Modeling
Pages 661–662
Vermeer's "The Music Lesson" in Modular Perspective
Pages 663–664
Zellij Multipuzzle
Pages 665–666