Bridges Pécs 2010
Pécs, Hungary
24–28 July 2010
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
The System Approach and Design
Pages 1–1
Visual and Logical Beauty in Mathematics
Pages 2–2
Regular Papers
Quantum Sculpture: Art Inspired by the Deeper Nature of Reality
Pages 3–10
Models of Surfaces and Abstract Art in the Early 20th Century
Pages 11–18
Expressions, Assemblages and Grammars
Pages 19–26
Branching Miter Joints: Principles and Artwork
Pages 27–34
Poetry Inspired by Mathematics
Pages 35–42
Types of Repetition and Multistable Perception in the Frieze Patterns on the Marble Pavement of the Cathedral of Siena
Pages 43–50
Mirrors and Spheres: The Geometry within the “Tall Tree and the Eye”
Pages 51–58
Compositional Constraints of Simultaneous Color Contrast: Toward a Classification of Types
Pages 59–66
Tiled Torus Quilt with Changing Tiles
Pages 67–74
About Weaving and Helical Holes
Pages 75–84
My Search for Symmetrical Embeddings of Regular Maps
Pages 85–94
Curve Evolution Schemes for Parquet Deformations
Pages 95–102
Some Three-dimensional Self-similar Knots
Pages 103–110
Strip Symmetry Groups of African Sona Designs
Pages 111–118
Interactive Exploration of Corporate Logos: From Mercedes Benz to Sea Creatures
Pages 119–126
Vasarely's Work—Invitation to Mathematical and Combinatorial Visual Games
Pages 127–134
Bourgoin's 14-Pointed Star Polygon Designs
Pages 135–142
On Generating Dot Paintings in the Style of Howard Arkley
Pages 143–150
Geometric Tools for the Magic Woodcarver
Pages 151–158
Imaginary Cubes—Objects with Three Square Projection Images
Pages 159–166
Design by Subdivision
Pages 167–174
Artformer Geometry
Pages 175–182
Creating and Modifying Images Using Newton's Method for Solving Equations
Pages 183–190
Using Mathematics in Art
Pages 191–198
Regular Polyhedral Lattices of Genus 2: 11 Platonic Equivalents?
Pages 199–206
Early Modern Art Layouts in Breuer's Design
Pages 207–214
From the Angle of Quasicrystals
Pages 215–222
Gauss, Bolyai, Lobachevsky—in General Education? (Hyperbolic Geometry as Part of the Mathematics Curriculum)
Pages 223–230
A General Procedure for the Construction of Mirror Anamorphoses
Pages 231–238
Art with a Double Meaning
Pages 239–246
Expanding the Mandelbrot Set into Higher Dimensions
Pages 247–254
Swhirling Squares: A Simple Math Flip-Book Animation
Pages 255–262
Brunnian Weavings
Pages 263–270
Eureka and Serendipity: The Rudolf von Laban Icosahedron and Buckminster Fuller's Jitterbug
Pages 271–278
Projection of Point Sets to a Lower Dimension with Applications in the Arts
Pages 279–286
The Vitruvian Figure of Eight
Pages 287–292
A Fractal Celtic Key Pattern?
Pages 293–298
Biblical Cantillations
Pages 299–304
Some Possibilities of Russian Combinatorial Literature
Pages 305–310
Amateur and Pioneer: Simon Stevin (ca. 1548–1620) about Music Theory
Pages 311–316
30 Cubes on a Rhombic Triacontahedron
Pages 317–322
On Growth, Form and Yin-Yang
Pages 323–328
Everything is Number—Mathematics Meets Arts
Pages 329–334
Viruses and Crystals: Science Meets Design
Pages 335–340
Geometrical Representations of North Indian Thāts and Rāgs
Pages 341–346
Hyperbolic Vasarely Patterns
Pages 347–352
Specialties of Models of the 6-dimensional Cube
Pages 353–358
Short Papers
Aesthetic and Mathematical Research: A Comparism with two Examples
Pages 359–362
Alhambra's Nazari Single Tile Patterns Guided Tour
Pages 363–366
An Origami Puzzle of Intersecting Cubes
Pages 367–370
Beautiful Homework: The Artists' Critique Group in the Mathematics Classroom
Pages 371–374
Parabolic Connections: Linking History, Art, Acoustics, and Mathematics
Pages 375–378
Mathematical Interpretation of Graphic and Poster Design in Iran
Pages 379–382
On Torsion Free Subgroups of $p32$ and Related Colored Tilings
Pages 383–386
Cyclic Symmetric Multi-Scale Turing Patterns
Pages 387–390
Constructing Molecules with Beads: The Geometry of Topologically Nontrivial Fullerenes
Pages 391–394
Minimal Flowers
Pages 395–398
Ivory Polyhedra Turned on a Lathe
Pages 399–402
Ribbon Edges: a New Impulse for Geometric Sculpture
Pages 403–406
Moiré II
Pages 407–410
Constructing Sierpinski Triangle with Rings
Pages 411–414
Mathematical Models for Argentine Tango
Pages 415–418
Toward a Tesseract Theater
Pages 419–422
Exploring Symmetry in Elementary Schools
Pages 423–426
Patterns from Archimedean Tilings Using Generalized Truchet Tiles Decorated with Simple Bézier Curves
Pages 427–430
Playing with the Möbius Band
Pages 431–434
Creating Cartoon Images with Functions: A Pedagogical Project
Pages 435–438
Review of a Cinema Film from the Perspective of Symmetry: “The Pillow Book”
Pages 439–442
Sphaerica: Interactive Spherical Geometry Software
Pages 443–446
Multisculpture or Polymorphic Sculpture: A Different Approach to Sculpture to Challenge and Nurture Reflection: Both in the Sculptor and in the Viewer
Pages 447–450
Borromean Rings & Three Fold Knots
Pages 451–454
Cylinder Anamorphosis of Impossible Structures
Pages 455–458
Ad Quadratum Ad Infinitum
Pages 459–462
The K5 Graph Turned into a Golden Pyramid
Pages 463–466
Chaos, Noise, Randomness and Coincidence as Constitutional for Generative Art
Pages 467–470
Seeing with the Mind: from the Matrix into the Cloud
Pages 471–474
Mandel-Bach Journey: A Marriage of Musical and Visual Fractals
Pages 475–478
Models of Locally Regular Heptagonal Dodecahedra
Pages 479–482
The Sunflower Spiral and the Fibonacci Metric
Pages 483–486
Classification and Comparison of Different Folk Music Traditions Using Self Learning Algorithms
Pages 487–490
Matière of Painting Analyzed by Wavelet Transform
Pages 491–492
Oscillatory Solutions for Sine-Gordon Equation
Pages 493–494
Tile Color Matching Using Simple Universal Cycles
Pages 495–496
Pages 497–498
Perspective with Six Vanishing Points
Pages 499–500
Use of Pseudo Functions in Digital Creation
Pages 501–502
The Visualization of Flow
Pages 503–504
The Qualitative and Quantitative World of Robert Wilson's Theater
Pages 505–506
Revisiting Mat Board Models for A Physical Proof of Five and Only Five Regular Solids or Polyhedron
Pages 507–508
Anamorphic, Kaleidoscopic and Sculptural Mirror Reflections
Pages 509–510
Locally and Globally Regular Toroids with Less than 16 Hexagonal Faces
Pages 511–512
Impossible Ornaments
Pages 513–514
Workshop Papers
Mathematical Balloon Twisting for Education
Pages 515–522
Creative Learning with Giant Triangles
Pages 523–530
A Workshop in Geometric Constructions of Mosaic Designs
Pages 531–538
Escher-type Tessellations and Pull-up Polyhedra: Creative Learning for the Classroom
Pages 539–544
POLY-UNIVERSE—Knowledge Produce Toy Family
Pages 545–550
Workshop on Mathematics and Dance
Pages 551–554
Programming for Artists with Processing
Pages 555–558
Using Roller Coasters to Bridge Mathematics, Science and the Arts
Pages 559–560