Bridges Enschede 2013
Enschede, the Netherlands
27–31 July 2013
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
An Arts Project Uncovering an Important Scientific Advance
Pages 1–8
Math for Visualization, Visualizing Math
Pages 9–12
Patterns for Skew Mad Weave Polyhedra
Pages 13–18
The Beauty of Equations
Pages 19–26
Mathematical Ideas in Ancient Indian Poetry
Pages 27–34
Mathematics Education and Early Abstract Art
Pages 35–42
Ant Paintings Based on the Seed Foraging Behavior of P. barbatus
Pages 43–48
Poetry & Algorithms
Pages 49–54
A Comparative Geometric Analysis of the Patterns Found on the Pavement Mosaics of the Chedworth Roman Villa
Pages 55–62
Tatami Maker: A Combinatorially Rich Mechanical Game Board
Pages 63–70
Folded Strips of Rhombuses and a Plea for the √2:1 Rhombus
Pages 71–78
Multidimensional Impossible Polycubes
Pages 79–86
Fractal Islamic Geometric Patterns Based on Arrangements of {n/2} Stars
Pages 87–94
Removing Tremas with a Rational Function
Pages 95–102
Antisymmetrical Palindromes in Traditional European and Contemporary Russian Poetry
Pages 103–110
Understanding and measuring rhythmic quality in dance. What is a movement accent?
Pages 111–118
From Path-Segment Tiles to Loops and Labyrinths
Pages 119–126
Approaching an Approximation of Freeform Surfaces by Developable Strips using Apparent Contours
Pages 127–134
Artfully Folding Hexagons, Dodecagons, and Dodecagrams
Pages 135–142
The Art of Geometry
Pages 143–150
Tiling and Tazhib of Some Special Star Polygons: A Mathematics and Art Case Study
Pages 151–158
Animating Line-based Op Art
Pages 159–166
Bending Circle Limits
Pages 167–174
Iterative Arrangements of Polyhedra—Relationships to Classical Fractals and Haüy Constructions
Pages 175–182
Polyhedra with Folded Regular Heptagons
Pages 183–190
Math Runes
Pages 191–198
Geometric Analysis of Forumad Mosques' Ornament
Pages 199–206
Cross-Caps—Boy Caps—Boy Cups
Pages 207–216
The Mercator Redemption
Pages 217–224
The Planar Crystallographic Groups Represented at the Alhambra
Pages 225–232
Territories of Color: Towards a New Model of Simultaneous Color Contrast
Pages 233–240
Turtles for Tessellations
Pages 241–248
Knot Designs Based on the Hexagonal Rosette
Pages 249–254
Turtle Temari
Pages 255–262
AA Weaving
Pages 263–270
SURFER in Math Art, Education and Science Communication
Pages 271–278
The 6-ring
Pages 279–286
Geometry Experiments with Richard Serra's Sculpture
Pages 287–294
Unfolding Symmetric Fractal Trees
Pages 295–302
Geometric Visual Instruments Based on Object Rolling
Pages 303–310
Custom 3D-Printed Rollers for Frieze Pattern Cookies
Pages 311–316
Grid-based decorative corners
Pages 317–324
John Cage Adores a Vacuum
Pages 325–330
Escher Patterns on Triply Periodic Polyhedra
Pages 331–336
Learning Mathematics Through Dance
Pages 337–344
Wallpaper Designs of Mirror Curves Inspired by African Sona
Pages 345–352
Triple Gear
Pages 353–360
Following the Footsteps of Daedalus: Labyrinth Studies Meets Visual Mathematics
Pages 361–368
The Discovery of a New Series of Uniform Polyhedra
Pages 369–376
The Moore-Penrose Inverse in Art
Pages 377–382
Girl's Surface
Pages 383–388
How to make an IMAGINARY exhibition
Pages 389–396
Short Papers
Kolmogorov's Question
Pages 397–398
Circle Packing Explorations
Pages 399–402
Spirolateral-Type Images from Integer Sequences
Pages 403–406
3D SUDOKU Puzzle with 81 Connected Cubes
Pages 407–410
Papercraft Panoramas
Pages 411–414
Braids: A Mathematics Documentary
Pages 415–418
Form-Finding Experiments with Resilient Cyclic Knots
Pages 419–422
Exquisite Failure: The Telescope as Lived Object
Pages 423–424
Rendering the Whole World with Conformal Curvilinear Perspective
Pages 425–428
Constructing and Applying the Fractal Pied de Poule (Houndstooth)
Pages 429–432
Exploring the Vertices of a Triacontahedron
Pages 433–434
Count and Dance: Sardana
Pages 435–436
A Digital Tribute to M.C. Escher
Pages 437–438
Imperfect Congruence: Tiling with Regular Polygons and Rhombs
Pages 439–442
The Equations of Westminster Abbey
Pages 443–444
How to 3D-print Complex Networks and Graphs
Pages 445–448
Finding Optimal Paths in Beadworks: What If Euler Were a Beader?
Pages 449–452
Seifert Surfaces with Minimal Genus
Pages 453–456
MArTH Madness: Building a Culture of Mathematical Art at Saint Ann's School
Pages 457–460
Symmetry in Mathematics, Physics and Art
Pages 461–464
Up Suprematism to the “supreMADIsm” on Saxon's Paintings
Pages 465–468
Mathematics, Art and Science of the Pseudosphere
Pages 469–472
Kandinsky, Math Artist?
Pages 473–476
Three-Dimensional Generalizations of the Triskele
Pages 477–478
Color patterns in Bull by Vasarely
Pages 479–482
Iterating Borromean Rings on a Sphere
Pages 483–486
Mathematical Beading as Molecular Analog Computation: An Example from Beaded Sierpiński Buckyball
Pages 487–490
Retrograde Rotation Illusions in Turntable Animations of Concentric Icosahedral Domains
Pages 491–494
Construction of Sierpiński Superfullerenes with the Aid of Zome Geometry: Application to Beaded Molecules
Pages 495–498
The 3D Effect of Bull by Vasarely
Pages 499–502
Teaching Mathematics Through Image Manipulation
Pages 503–506
One Mucuboctahedron: Four Ways to View It
Pages 507–510
Math into Metaphor
Pages 511–514
Making Waves: Visualizing Fluid Flows
Pages 515–518
Creating Art as a Catalyst for Making Meaningful, Personal Connections to Mathematics
Pages 519–522
Google Earth: Mathematical Art Forms
Pages 523–526
Edge Color Patterns in the Bead Truncated Icosahedron
Pages 527–530
Point Symmetric Ribbon Patterns using a Hexagonal Motif from M.C. Escher
Pages 531–534
Minimalism, Math, and Biology
Pages 535–538
How Do Symmetries Come To Children, and Vice Versa?
Pages 539–542
Dances of Heavenly Bodies: Dance, N-body Choreographies, and Change Ringing
Pages 543–546
Adding it all Up: Building the National Museum of Mathematics
Pages 547–550
Visualizing 3-Dimensional Manifolds
Pages 551–552
Adventures on the Borderland of Mathematics and Arts: the Kaposvár University's “CrossBorderScience” Project (2011-2012)
Pages 553–554
Poly-Twistor by 3D printer: Classification of 3D Tori
Pages 555–558
On the Question of Meter in African Rhythm: A Quantitative Mathematical Assessment
Pages 559–562
International Judging System of Figure Skating: A Middle Grades Activity on Decimal Operations
Pages 563–566
Uncertainty of Structure, Quantity, and Space as our Reality
Pages 567–570
Hexagons and Their Inner World
Pages 571–572
Aesthetic Appeal of Magic Squares
Pages 573–574
Workshop Papers
The Mathematics and Art of Spirals Workshop
Pages 575–578
Mat Weaving: Towards the Möbius Band
Pages 579–586
A Fun Approach to Teaching Geometry and Inspiring Creativity
Pages 587–592
Workshop: Make Your Own MP3 with “Algorhythmic” Generation and Aksak—Euclidean Synthesis
Pages 593–596
A Workshop on N-regular Polygon Torus using 4D frame
Pages 597–600
Poetry in conversation with mathematics
Pages 601–602
Printing by Rolling Möbius Band Stencils: Glide Reflection Embodied in Physical Action
Pages 603–610
Hearing the Drum of the Rhythm
Pages 611–618
Flipbook Polyhedra
Pages 619–624
Alberti's Window: Projective Geometry as the Geometry of Vision
Pages 625–628
RaM - Recycle and Mathematics: the Art of Tiling for Eco-design
Pages 629–634
Orbifold and Cut
Pages 635–638
A Fractal Wallhanging
Pages 639–642