Bridges Waterloo 2017
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
27–31 July 2017
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Numbers with Personality
Pages 1–8
HyperRogue: Playing with Hyperbolic Geometry
Pages 9–16
Crooked Houses: Visualizing the Polychora with Hyperbolic Patchwork
Pages 17–24
Sculptural Forms Based on Radially-developing Fractal Curves
Pages 25–32
Non-euclidean Virtual Reality I: Explorations of H³
Pages 33–40
Non-euclidean Virtual Reality II: Explorations of H² ✕ E
Pages 41–48
Invertible Infinity: A Toroidal Fashion Statement
Pages 49–56
DNA-inspired Basketmaking: Scaffold-Strand Construction of Wireframe Sculptures
Pages 57–62
Making Math Visible
Pages 63–70
Interwoven Islamic Geometric Patterns
Pages 71–78
Magnetic Sphere Constructions
Pages 79–86
An Algorithmic Approach to Obtain Generalized 2D Meander-Patterns
Pages 87–94
Fun with Integer Sequences
Pages 95–102
A Survey of Symmetry Samplers
Pages 103–110
New Kinds of Fractal Patterns
Pages 111–116
Homage to Eva Hild
Pages 117–124
Artwork Inspired by Dual Dodecahedra and Icosahedra
Pages 125–130
Natural Color Symmetry
Pages 131–138
Let the Numbers Do the Walking: Generating Turtle Dances on the Plane from Integer Sequences
Pages 139–146
Obtaining the H and T Honeycomb from a Cross-Section of the 16-cell Honeycomb
Pages 147–152
Art of Infinity
Pages 153–158
A Geometrical Representation and Visualization of Möbius Transformation Groups
Pages 159–166
Geometric Factors and the Well Dressed Solids of Archimedes
Pages 167–174
A General Method for Building Topological Models of Polyhedra
Pages 175–182
A Peg Solitaire Font
Pages 183–188
Modelling Seashells Shapes and Pigmentation Patterns: Experiments with 3D Printing
Pages 189–196
Hopeless Love and Other Lattice Walks
Pages 197–204
Aspects of Symmetry in Bobbin Lace
Pages 205–212
Hidden Beauty in Penrose Tiling: Weavings & Lace
Pages 213–220
Versatile Genius: A Case Study Intersecting Math, Science, Art, and California's National Parks
Pages 221–228
Tuti Inter-Weaving
Pages 229–236
Flowsnake Earth
Pages 237–244
Inter-transformability II
Pages 245–252
Kissing Rings, Bracelets, Roses and Canadian Magnetic Coins: Circle Packing with Ferrite Block Magnets and Magnetic Sheet
Pages 253–260
A Mathematics and Digital Art Course
Pages 261–268
Conics from Polygons: The Chord Ratio Construction
Pages 269–276
Zometool Tribute to Fabien Vienne at Bridges Finland 2016
Pages 277–282
The Artful Kaleidoscopes of the Circular and Spherical Bells
Pages 283–290
Dichromatic Dances
Pages 291–298
The Golden Ratio: How Close Is Close Enough?
Pages 299–304
Seeing and Hearing the Eigenvectors of a Fluid
Pages 305–312
On Infinite Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra
Pages 313–320
Combinatorics in the Art of the Twentieth Century
Pages 321–328
Morphing TSP Art
Pages 329–334
Short Papers
3D Printed Tours
Pages 335–338
Great Books, Poetry and Mathematics
Pages 339–342
Hyparhedra Revisited
Pages 343–346
Topological Images with Modular Block Print Tiles
Pages 347–350
3D Printing in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom
Pages 351–354
Math Creations - A Math-Art Competition
Pages 355–358
The Poetics of a Cyclic Directed Graph
Pages 359–362
A Temari Permutation Sampler
Pages 363–366
The English Translation of the 1652 Edition of J-F Niceron's Perspective Curieuse
Pages 367–370
Triskelion Block Families
Pages 371–374
Cut Colored Paper Sculptures of 3D Contour Plots of the Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Functions
Pages 375–378
Ballistic Deposition and Aesthetic Patterns
Pages 379–382
Applying Helical Triangle Tessellations in Folded Light Art
Pages 383–386
Émilie, an Opera about Love, Death, and Mathematics
Pages 387–390
Cartesian Lace Drawings
Pages 391–394
Constructing Mini-tools for Tessellations
Pages 395–398
The Sound of Space-Filling Curves
Pages 399–402
A Cellular Automaton for Pied-de-poule (Houndstooth)
Pages 403–406
How to Draw a Line
Pages 407–410
Quilting the Klein Quartic
Pages 411–414
Turing-Like Patterns Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension
Pages 415–418
Algorithmic Aesthetics: Redefining Traditional Islamic Art
Pages 419–422
On the Enumeration of Chequered Tilings in Polygons
Pages 423–426
Designing Modular Sculpture Systems
Pages 427–430
Nebula: Live Dynamic Projection Mapping via Object Saliency
Pages 431–434
Transforming Squares to Strips in Expanded Polyhedral Forms
Pages 435–438
Polyhedra: Eye Candy to Feed the Mind
Pages 439–442
Listening to the Logistic Map
Pages 443–446
Artistic Rendering of Curves via Lattice Paths
Pages 447–450
3D Printable Golden Sponges
Pages 451–454
Using African Designs in Virtual Manipulatives for Geometrical Concept Development
Pages 455–458
Constructing Deltahedra from Recycled Plastic Bottles
Pages 459–462
The Complexity of Braids, Cables, and Weaves Modeled with Stranded Cellular Automata
Pages 463–466
Inversive Diversions and Diversive Inversions
Pages 467–470
Shaping Poems -- with Visual Forms and Counting
Pages 471–474
The Interval Dissonance Rate: An Analytical Look into Chromaticism of Chopin’s Op. 10 No. 2 and Scriabin's Op. 11 No. 2
Pages 475–478
Obtaining Four Main Animation Cycles Using an Extremely Limited Set of Poses
Pages 479–482
Designing Skeletal Polyhedral Sculptures Inspired by Octet-Truss Systems and Structural Inorganic Chemistry with Bugle Beads
Pages 483–486
Surfaces Foliated by Planar Geodesics: A Model for Curved Wood Design
Pages 487–490
Tiling Notation as Design Tool for Textile Knotting
Pages 491–494
Visualizing Math Art Activities at the GameLab
Pages 495–498
The Surprising Versatility of Edge-Matching Tiles
Pages 499–502
Triaxial Weaving for Complex Repeat Patterns and Tessellations
Pages 503–506
Symmetric Binary Trees with Branching Ratios Larger than 1
Pages 507–510
Introducing the Kasparian Constructions
Pages 511–514
Non-Octave Guitar and Keyboard Designs for Ervin M. Wilson
Pages 515–518
The Discovery and Application of the Protogon’s Spiral
Pages 519–522
Workshop Papers
Dancing Rope and Braid Into Being: Whole-body Learning in Creating Mathematical/ Architectural Structures
Pages 523–530
Collaboration in Creating The Mathematical Poem
Pages 531–532
From Rabbit Ears to Origami Flowers: Triangle Centers and the Concept of Function
Pages 533–538
Omnidirectional Robot Construction at the Math Class
Pages 539–546
Creating Polyhedra with Snapology
Pages 547–552
The Magic of Anamorphosis in Elementary and Middle School
Pages 553–556
Star Origami
Pages 557–562
The Aesthetics of Colour in Mathematical Diagramming
Pages 563–570
How to Use Vector Theory to Write a Story
Pages 571–572
Folding the Dragon Curve Fractal
Pages 573–578
Thinking Visually: Triangles as Units of Area
Pages 579–582
Playing in the Lux Dimension
Pages 583–588