Bridges Baltimore 2015
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
29 July–1 August 2015
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Folding Pseudo-Stars that are Cyclicly Hinged
Pages 1–8
The Concept of Elevation applied to Flat Tiling Patterns
Pages 9–16
2-Manifold Sculptures
Pages 17–26
The Geometric Studies of Some Mosaic Design Compositions and Puzzles Presented in a Historical Treatise
Pages 27–36
Can Human Assistance Improve a Computational Poet?
Pages 37–44
Curved Islamic Star Patterns of Medieval Egypt and Syria
Pages 45–52
Three Families of Mitered Borromean Ring Sculptures
Pages 53–60
Modular Origami Halftoning: Theme and Variations
Pages 61–68
Permutations of the Octagon: An Aesthetic-Mathematical Dialectic
Pages 69–76
Laser-Cut Plywood and Cable-Tie Sculptures
Pages 77–84
Double Strip Patterns: Between Strip Patterns and Wallpaper Patterns
Pages 85–92
A Divine Error
Pages 93–98
Highly Unlikely Triangles and Other Impossible Figures in Bead Weaving
Pages 99–106
Real-World Tessellations
Pages 107–112
The Platonic Solids: a Three-Dimensional Textbook
Pages 113–120
Figurative Tours and Braids
Pages 121–128
A Theoretical Framework to Represent Narrative Structures for Visual Storytelling
Pages 129–136
Math Bugs
Pages 137–142
Nonplanar expansions of polyhedral edges in Platonic and Archimedean solids
Pages 143–150
Soccer Ball Symmetry
Pages 151–158
The Golden Spiral: The Genesis of a Misunderstanding
Pages 159–166
Nested polytopes with non-crystallographic symmetry induced by projection
Pages 167–174
Fun with Whirls
Pages 175–182
Fractal Wallpaper Patterns
Pages 183–190
“In an Ocean of Ashes”: Order and Chaos in Mathematics and Literature
Pages 191–198
A Skeleton Key for the Platonic Solids
Pages 199–206
3D-Dithered Ortho-Pictures: 3D Models from Independent 2D Images
Pages 207–214
Knotology Baskets and Topological Maps
Pages 215–222
A Novel Line Fractal Pied de Poule (Houndstooth)
Pages 223–230
Algorithmic Quilting
Pages 231–238
Integrating Origami Art with Mathematics in a College General Studies Course
Pages 239–246
Self-Avoiding Random Walks Yielding Labyrinths
Pages 247–252
Yvon-Villarceau Circle Equivalents on Dupin Cyclides
Pages 253–258
Galaxies Containing Infinite Worlds: Poetry from Finite Projective Planes
Pages 259–266
From Stippling to Scribbling
Pages 267–274
Magnetic Circle Packing in Creative Outreach and Refreshment
Pages 275–282
Julia Randall's Poetic Finitude: Mapping the Infinite onto a Poem
Pages 283–288
A View of Music
Pages 289–294
The Stomachion in Wonderland
Pages 295–300
Ordinal-Contextual Dissimilarity for Analysis of Heros in Tragedies
Pages 301–308
Designing 2D Ordinary Differential Equations To Obtain Abstract Paintings, Illustrations and Animations
Pages 309–316
The Curious Creativity of John Horton Conway
Pages 317–322
The Musical Canon Inside Differential Equations
Pages 323–330
Short Papers
Eight-Pointed Star and Precise Construction of 7x7 Square Grid
Pages 331–334
Introducing the Möbius-Twisted Turk's Head Knot
Pages 335–338
Exploring the Manifold of Image Patches
Pages 339–342
Flowing, Organic Forms Using Adaptive Line-Drawing Agents
Pages 343–346
Chains of Antiprisms
Pages 347–350
Programmable Mathe-Musical Boxes
Pages 351–354
Two-Frame Animations in Conway's Game of Life
Pages 355–358
Gallery Layout in Borges' Library of Babel
Pages 359–362
Visualizing Rhyme Patterns in Sonnet Sequences
Pages 363–366
A Pattern Tracing System for Generating Paper Sliceform Artwork
Pages 367–370
The “ΦTOP”: A Golden Ellipsoid
Pages 371–374
The Geometric Structure of Scribal Variation among Manuscripts of Langland's Piers Plowman
Pages 375–378
Surfaces with Natural Ridges
Pages 379–382
Unexpected Beauty Hidden in Radin-Conway's Pinwheel Tiling
Pages 383–386
Hypernom: Mapping VR Headset Orientation to S3
Pages 387–390
Large, Symmetric, “7-Around” Hyperbolic Disks
Pages 391–394
Katzengold: Pyrite, Plato, and a Polynomial
Pages 395–398
Infinite Rhythmic Tiling Canons
Pages 399–402
A Concept Map for Book 1 of Euclid's Elements
Pages 403–406
A Musical Scale Generated from the Ratio of Consecutive Primes
Pages 407–410
Geometric Visual Instruments Having Pinnate Forms
Pages 411–414
Design Anamorphosis in the Math Class!
Pages 415–418
Cayley Cubic and the Visual Arts
Pages 419–422
Fractal Tiling Illustrations of Geometric Series
Pages 423–426
Nature as a Strategy for Pattern Formation in Art
Pages 427–430
Monte Carlo Art Using Scratch
Pages 431–434
The Paradigm Poem
Pages 435–438
Random Walks on Vertices of Archimedean Tilings
Pages 439–442
Perspectives on Borges' Library of Babel
Pages 443–446
Geometry in the Pocket
Pages 447–450
From Mathematical Curves to Decorative Ornaments
Pages 451–454
Building Polyhedra from Polygons with Colored Edges
Pages 455–458
Turing Patterns in Photoshop
Pages 459–462
Inspire Math-Girls-Women (perhaps with poems)
Pages 463–466
Emergent Orange
Pages 467–470
Expandohedra: Modeling Structural Transitions of a Viral Capsid
Pages 471–474
An Exhibition of Exponential Sums: Visualizing Supercharacters
Pages 475–478
A New Way to See Inside Black Holes
Pages 479–482
Algorithms for Morphing Escher-Like Tessellations
Pages 483–486
Theory of Intersection
Pages 487–490
Schematic Drawings of the Polychora
Pages 491–494
A Successful Belgian Art & Math Exhibition with Workshops
Pages 495–498
Bridges Exhibits as Incentives to Collaborative Artworks
Pages 499–502
Linguistic Oddities: An Artist Explorer at Mathematics Conferences
Pages 503–506
3D Lenticular Imaging for Art
Pages 507–510
The Shapes of Our Souls and Other Student Concerns: Poems about the Course “Mathematics in Literature”
Pages 511–514
Into the Shadows: Approximating Images by Orthogonal Projection
Pages 515–518
Workshop Papers
Exploring Ratios and Sequences with Mathematically Layered Beverages
Pages 519–524
Math-Infused Art Lessons, Art-Infused Math Lessons
Pages 525–532
The Aesthetics of Scale: Weaving Mathematical Understandings
Pages 533–540
The Shape Snacker: a Bite of Origami and Math
Pages 541–548
Lissajus Curves: an Experiment in Creative Coding
Pages 549–554
Square Seeds and Round Paths: Exploring Patterns within the Art of Classical Labyrinths
Pages 555–558
Thinking like a Pianist/Mathematician/Potter-Designer: Strategies for Tuning Ocarinas
Pages 559–562
Use of RangoLee Art in Elementary Mathematics Education
Pages 563–566
A Workshop Using the Log Cabin Quilt For Teaching Math Concepts and Patterns
Pages 567–570
Composing Mathematical Poetry
Pages 571–572
Mathematics Through the Lens of a Kaleidoscope: A Student Centered Approach to Building Bridges between Mathematics and Art
Pages 573–580
Hearing Math and Seeing Music: a Workshop on Pitch Perception and Temperament
Pages 581–584
Unit Origami: Star-Building on Deltahedra
Pages 585–588
Connecting with the Sierpinski Tetrahedron
Pages 589–592