Bridges 2003: Meeting Alhambra
Granada, Spain
23–25 July 2003
More information
Front matter
Three Traditions of Self-Similarity in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Islamic Geometric Ornament
Pages 1–12
Volution's Evolution
Pages 13–24
Classification and Phylogenetic Analysis of African Ternary Rhythm Timelines
Pages 25–36
Hidden Inscriptions in the Laurentian Library
Pages 37–44
Computers, Mathematics and Conceptual Art
Pages 45–52
Mathematical Sculpture Classification
Pages 53–60
Construction and Classifying Designs of al-Andalus
Pages 61–68
Nodal Lines and Quasi-Space Filling Curves
Pages 69–76
On the Perception of Tone
Pages 77–84
Computational Aesthetics Based on Gaze Patterns
Pages 85–92
Seashell Architectures
Pages 93–100
Composable Art: Objects That Can Be Arranged in Many Ways
Pages 101–108
Mathematics in Literature
Pages 109–118
Dimension of Time in Strange Attractors
Pages 119–126
Geometric Mosaic Tiling on Hyperbolic Sculptures
Pages 127–134
The Mathematics of Color-Reversing Decorative Friezes: Facades of Pirgí, Greece
Pages 135–142
Computer-Aided Aesthetic Evaluation of Visual Patterns
Pages 143–150
Frieze-Generation Using Artificial Life
Pages 151–160
A Unified Theory of Proportion
Pages 161–172
The Art in Polynomiography of Special Polynomials
Pages 173–180
Arraying Alternative Housing Archetypes: An Outline Resource
Pages 181–188
Play with Infinity
Pages 189–196
Two Perspectives on Inversion
Pages 197–204
Finding the Dual of the Tetrahedral-Octahedral Space Filler
Pages 205–212
Square Decompositions with Hyperbolic Consequences in Art, Chemical Physics and Mathematics
Pages 213–218
Polyhedral Designs of Detection Systems for Nuclear Physics Studies
Pages 219–228
Leonardo da Vinci's Bar Grids
Pages 229–234
Fractal Geometry and Self-Similarity in Architecture: An Overview Across the Centuries
Pages 235–244
Pages 245–252
The Sundial, Beyond Form and Time ...
Pages 253–256
The Poincaré Surprises
Pages 257–264
Quilt Designs Using Non-Edge-to-Edge Tilings by Squares
Pages 265–272
An Extended Mural for a House of Mathematics
Pages 273–282
Hidden Geometry in Music of Bach and Schoenberg: Reflection, Rotation, Proportion
Pages 283–290
An Introduction to the Tiling Properties of Precious Triangles
Pages 291–298
NEC Polygonal Groups and Tessellations
Pages 299–306
Mathematics & Esthetics - Science and Art in the Bay Area
Pages 307–314
Sculpture form Symmetrically Arranged Planar Components
Pages 315–322
Easy Digitalization and Representation of Three-Dimensional Maps
Pages 323–330
Dynamical Systems: A Golden Gate from Auditory Physiology to Musical Aesthetics?
Pages 331–338
Introducing Simple Arithmetic and Geometric Series in Complex Parametric Modeling
Pages 339–346
Abraham as Bridge and Mediator: A Metaphoric Reflection on the Alhambra
Pages 347–352
Möbius Concepts in Architecture
Pages 353–360
On the Shapes of Water Fountains and Times Tables
Pages 361–366
Lengthening, Expansion and Torsion: Three Geometric Operations for Aesthetics Creation
Pages 367–374
Mathematical Bridges to Philosophy and Theology
Pages 375–382
Whirled White Web: Art and Math in Snow
Pages 383–392
Quilts Inspired by Mathematics
Pages 393–400
Geometric Designs in Architecture and Textiles Revisited and Reconstructed Through Layered Planar Geometry
Pages 401–406
Fractal Geometry Describes the Beauty of Infinity in Nature
Pages 407–414
Number Theory and Art
Pages 415–422
Magic Geometry: Mosaics in the Alhambra
Pages 423–432
Graphs and Circulation in Rural Housing
Pages 433–440
Diversifying the Curriculum: The Tessellations Case
Pages 441–448
The "Mathematics and Culture" Project
Pages 449–458
Islamic Constructions: The Geometry Needed by Craftsmen
Pages 459–464
Developmental Morphology: X, Y & Z Coordination as a Dynamic and Generative Cellular Process
Pages 465–472
A Study on the North Dome of Masjid-I-Jami Isfahan
Pages 473–484
Crossing the Equal Sign
Pages 485–492
Great Kiva Design in Chaco Canyon: An Archaeology of Geometry
Pages 493–502
Petrie Polygons
Pages 503–510
The Mathematics of Quilting: A Quilter's Tacit Knowledge of Symmetry, Tiling and Group Theory
Pages 511–520
Hyperbolic Spirals and Spiral Patterns
Pages 521–528
Optimal Geometry as Art
Pages 529–532
Folding Polyhedra and Painting Mosaics
Pages 533–540
A Patterned Life - Abstract
Pages 541–543
Origami: A Good Way to Communicate Mathematics - Abstract
Pages 544–544
Goldbach Tilings - Abstract
Pages 545–546
Conceptual Art and Algorithms - Abstract
Pages 547–548
Symmetry and Trigonometry - Abstract
Pages 549–550
Digital Monoprints: Mining Conchoid Nets - Abstract
Pages 551–552
Cayley Tables as Quilt Designs - Abstract
Pages 553–554
Duality: A Common Thread in Math, Science, Literature and Art? - Abstract
Pages 555–556
An Interdisciplinary Study of an Archetype: Across Cultures and Disciplines - Abstract
Pages 557–557
Space Blanket - Abstract
Pages 558–558
On Mathematics in Art - Abstract
Pages 559–560
The Relationship among Proportions, Ottoman-Turkish Music and Architecture - Abstract
Pages 561–561
Polyhedra in "Polyart" Style - Abstract
Pages 562–562
An Evaluation Approach for Circulation in Buildings - Abstract
Pages 563–563
Discrete-Event Activity Simulation for Predicting Occupants' Movements in Buildings - Abstract
Pages 564–564
Why Do Penrose Tilings Diffract? - Abstract
Pages 565–566
My Use of Number Sequence and Geometry in Art - Abstract
Pages 567–568
New Pentatonic Scale Relationships with Visual Parallels - Abstract
Pages 569–570
Hexa-Twistor Triangular Section - Abstract
Pages 571–572
Some Mathematical Patterns in the Analysis of Selection and Deletion in Modern Short Stories - Abstract
Pages 573–574
Golomb Rep-Tiles and Fractals - Abstract
Pages 575–576
Two Geometric Sculptures with Distant Ontogenies - Abstract
Pages 577–577
The Collapse Series - Abstract
Pages 578–578
Connecting Writing and Contextual Development with Mathematics in Introductory College Math Courses - Abstract
Pages 579–579
Geometry in Dali's Painting - Abstract
Pages 580–580
The Mathematical Characterization of 19th Century Enlightenment on Ottoman Architecture - Abstract
Pages 581–581
Wisdom in Art: Mathematics in Islamic Architecture in Iran - Abstract
Pages 582–582
Topological Perspective - The Concept - Abstract
Pages 583–584
Music - Sounding Proportions in Motion - Abstract
Pages 585–586
Labyrinth as Myth, Metaphor and Model - Abstract
Pages 587–588